Evolving democracy and the new worldMany democratic institutions are remnants of the past. The legislative and press will see a rapid decentralization in the next decade.Jul 15, 2020Jul 15, 2020
Be present. It is better than a social media post.India is suddenly writing millions of social media post around mental wellness and “I am there for you.” But are you really available for…Jun 15, 2020Jun 15, 2020
Outrage solves no problem. Protest does.Wildlife-human conflicts are not new. The trend now is exponentially growing and if we fail to arrest it soon, more species will go…Jun 4, 2020Jun 4, 2020
Some random thoughts, because of quarantine and lockdowns!#coronavirus {/kəˈrəʊnəˌvʌɪrəs}Mar 22, 2020Mar 22, 2020
Yes Bank — good, bad and ugly banking in India’s #5 private-bank.Podcast available at https://open.spotify.com/show/0dYpt7Wiglz6M5a705wA3RMar 11, 2020Mar 11, 2020
Longevity and its impact on society — 2Writing the second part of my series on Longevity and its societal impact took a little longer than expected. Anyway, my research is now…Feb 18, 2020Feb 18, 2020
Longevity and its impact on societyThe average human life span has been steadily climbing from less than twenty-five in the early nineteenth century to over seventy in…Jan 31, 2020Jan 31, 2020